Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 7

एतां विभूतिं योगं च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।
सोऽविकम्पेन योगेन युज्यते नात्र संशयः ॥१०-७॥



Lord Krishna tells Arjuna… one who recognized celestial power of God Almighty; one who believed in existence of God Almighty; one who believed in doctrine of Maya (veil of illusion) propagated by Adi Shankaracharya; that apart from God Almighty nothing exists in cosmos finally becomes a knower of God, a Tattva jnani.


Lord Krishna further says that knowing God Almighty was not that easy. Total submission to God Almighty was necessitated to know God, reach God! Total submission to God Almighty can only be accomplished by indulging in nishkama karma yoga… offering fruits of karma performed to God Almighty all the time. We had to become a true trustee of God Almighty to reach God!


Reaching God via path of bhakti yoga was extremely difficult in the present scientific age! However coupled with nishkama karma yoga… only a very serious seeker of spirituality finally reached God by following path of bhakti yoga alone! Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was one such entity who finally succeeded in reaching God via path of bhakti yoga alone.


The Explanation:

Followers of religious path who believed in Sakaar form of God (having no form) were all the time mesmerized by effulgence of God Almighty. Such seekers of God refused to believe that God Almighty was formless… Nirakaar in form (having no form)! Such seekers of God all the time remained immersed in thoughts of God Almighty and his boundless glory. Dissuading such people from path of bhakti yoga was next to impossible.


Indulging in bhajans, Kirtans… such seekers of god primarily engaged self in singing praises of God. For such seekers of God path of spirituality… path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) carried no meaning. Followers of path of bhakti yoga never indulged in path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) to reach God. Believing in doctrine of Maya (veil of illusion) such human beings all the time believed that apart from God Almighty nothing exists in cosmos.


The present cosmos consists of many universes. Each universe consisting of billions of galaxies! Each galaxy consisting of billions of stars! All this created by one God Almighty was beyond conception of most human beings on mother earth. Only a very ardent seeker of God truly believed in effulgence of God Almighty. Fathoming depth of God was beyond human beings. Only a Tattva jnani (knower of God) finally realized what God Almighty was all about.


Everything about God was not to be believed literally. Within our heart in miniscule form exists God Almighty; as our soul atman, the spirit within! A true believer of God, a true believer of bhakti yoga believed in existence of God within our heart. Praying to God, worshipping God all the time via path of bhakti yoga… such a seeker of God finally reached God in one’s lifetime. Power of faith played a very dominant role on path of bhakti yoga.


We could never see God but could feel presence of God all the time! Similar as we could feel presence of a flower just by its fragrance… we could also feel presence of God in all affairs of life! Truthfully God Almighty was not distinct from us. A true traveler of path of bhakti yoga understood this definition of God Almighty. We were primarily a spirit… a soul atman, the consciousness within that formed part of God Almighty all the time.


To reach God we had to reach our true inner self… our soul atman, the spirit within! By travelling path of nishkama karma yoga a true follower of path of bhakti yoga finally reached God. Even for a traveler of path of bhakti yoga… negating karma to zero was necessitated. Unless dross impurities within a soul atman, the consciousness within reduced to zero… absolute purity could never be gained! There was no shortcut path to reaching God as advocated by many religious preachers. God Almighty ordained a long journey of 1.1 million manifestations in human form to reach God. Gaining enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) in present life means reaching God!


Through path of bhakti yoga… negating karma to zero was really difficult! Prime reason why Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana who initially started in search of God via path of bhakti yoga finally switched to path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) to reach God! In a Kali Yuga dominated by glare of worldly riches… travelling path of bhakti yoga was totally ruled out! Total submission to God Almighty demands annihilating (not suppressing) our ego to zero.


Lord Krishna all the time advocates following a path best suited to us. If we desire reaching God in a limited time span of 70 to 80 years… our accomplishments must be phenomenal, gigantic! For gaining control of ego (Aham in Hinduism), highest level of patience, persistence and perseverance was demanded of human beings. Such a feat could only be accomplished by Swami Vivekananda… a sage of the highest order!


Swami Vivekananda… the famous saint disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa was such a seeker of God Almighty that he could have easily reached God in his lifetime! But goal of Swami Vivekananda was different. He wanted to serve the community to its best. Even though he could have easily reached stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) under the able preceptor ship of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, he preferred path of community service than reaching God.


Commentary by: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – May 25, 2013

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