Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 11

अथैतदप्यशक्तोऽसि कर्तुं मद्योगमाश्रितः ।
सर्वकर्मफलत्यागं ततः कुरु यतात्मवान् ॥१२-११॥



Lord Krishna says: if you are unable to follow path of yoga which was a sure shot method of reaching God in present life… you must indulge in nishkama karma yoga, offering fruits of karma performed to God Almighty all the time! When you become unattached to karma and fruits of karma performed, you lived a life of equilibrium… maintaining perfect balance all the time!


Practicing nishkama karma yoga though difficult in present times was not impossible! For a Karma Yogi practicing nishkama karma yoga… establishing absolute control over five senses and mind becomes easier. A true nishkama karma Yogi never indulged in ephemeral affairs of life. Running after God all the time… a true seeker of spirituality ultimately realized all subtle truths of life! A true nishkama karma Yogi finally reached God at the end of spiritual journey.


The Explanation:

In Bhagavad Gita chapter 12 verse 11 Lord Krishna emphasizes the fact that path of yoga was a sure shot method of reaching God in present life. However if a serious seeker of spirituality was still not able to follow the same… then one must seek refuge in karma yoga, that act of karma yoga which directly led to God Almighty. By indulging in nishkama karma yoga… by offering fruits of karma performed to God Almighty all the time human beings finally reached God.


Nishkama karma yoga is that form of yoga indulging in which human beings finally reached stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (stage of absolute nothingness)… when not a single thought entered our brain uninvoked! One can indulge in nishkama karma yoga only by indulging in karma with an unattached attitude. One who was a trustee of God… always believed in the fact that everything in the cosmic system belonged to God Almighty.


When our soul atman, the spirit within was all the time governing… then karma indulged by human beings did not produce any fruits for the manifest human self. As per cosmic laws… karma indulged by human beings produced fruits for our soul atman, the spirit within! By remaining unattached to karma and fruits… human beings finally decreased dross impurities within a soul atman. As the impurities within a soul atman decreased gradually… one scaled higher brackets of spiritual life.


The doctrine of nishkama karma yoga repeatedly confirms primary subtle truths of life. At all stages of life… our soul atman, the spirit within was all the time governing. The cosmic journey was undertaken by our soul atman, the spirit within and never the manifest physical human form! In that eventuality… fruits of karma performed by human beings always belonged to our true inner self… our soul atman, the spirit within! It is by indulgence in nishkama karma yoga… human beings finally step-by-step reached stage of absolute purity!


One who finally succeeds in practicing nishkama karma yoga in stages step-by-step… also establishes gradual control over five senses and mind. Establishing absolute control over five senses in the present materialistic world was next to impossible. Only a very ardent seeker of spirituality, one who had the indomitable will exhibited by Swami Vivekananda slowly and patiently removed traces of impurities within a soul atman! Control over five senses requires practice of patience, persistence and perseverance of the highest order.


One who is not attracted by materialistic riches, one who can manage within bare meaning does not find it difficult to establish control over five senses. However, our goal in life always should be reaching God in present life. Most human beings world over left things to chance! Something that was ordained by God Almighty to be achieved in a lifespan of 1.1 million manifestations in human form, achieving it in a single lifespan of 70 to 80 years requires determination and hard work! When we worked with an attitude of to do or die… we finally succeeded in life!


By burning all bridges behind all the time… serious seekers of spirituality finally succeeded in establishing absolute control over five senses and mind. The moment full control over five senses gets established… control on mind power comes automatically! As laid in Bhagavad Gita… no human being ever had an independent mind. The mind of whole cosmos is one. It had only two compartments… reservoir of mind plus and reservoir of mind minus!


All positive thoughts floating in cosmos (ether) are invoked from reservoir of mind plus and all negative thoughts get invoked from reservoir of mind minus. As our attitude… as our thinking, accordingly human beings manifested positive or negative thoughts at a given moment of time. Those with a godly thinking, those on path of establishing control over five senses… eventually invoked positive thoughts from reservoir of mind plus all the time.


Comes a stage in life when even positive thoughts can be invoked from reservoir of mind plus at will! This is practically the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi… when not a single thought entered our brain uninvoked. Normal human beings experienced thousands of thoughts flowing through our brain uninvoked at every stage of life. To stop flow of these incessant thoughts, one had to practice nishkama karma yoga which results in establishing absolute control over five senses with a period of time. Truly establishing absolute control over five senses was a long drawn process. One could expedite it by practice of absolute celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata)!


One who does not have a desire; one who can manage worldly life with minimum requirements… such an ardent seeker of spirituality like Swami Vivekananda was fit candidate to travel towards God Almighty in present life. By practicing nishkama karma yoga, by establishing absolute control over five senses and mind… one eventually reached God… realized self, realized God! Through path of nishkama karma yoga it was not difficult to reach stage of self realization, god realization… provided we have the requisite determination and will to reach God in present life.


Commentary by: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – April 19, 2013

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