Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 6 – 7

ये तु सर्वाणि कर्माणि मयि संन्यस्य मत्पराः ।
अनन्येनैव योगेन मां ध्यायन्त उपासते ॥१२-६॥

तेषामहं समुद्धर्ता मृत्युसंसारसागरात् ।
भवामि नचिरात्पार्थ मय्यावेशितचेतसाम् ॥१२-७॥


Continuing discussion on Nirakaar (having no form) and Sakaar (having a form) form of God, Lord Krishna emphasizes that serious seekers of spirituality (who truly wanted to reach God in their lifetime), those having absolute faith in me, indulging in karma with an attitude that every form of karma also belonged to God Almighty and human beings had nothing to do with their karma… such worshippers of God Almighty by indulging in bhakti yoga or jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) always reached me. As Lord Krishna is God personified in human form… reaching me means reaching God Almighty and never the manifest physical human form of Lord Krishna!


To practice bhakti yoga or jnana yoga… absolute concentration of mind was necessary!


Lord Krishna says, O Arjuna! Seekers of God Almighty who sought refuge in him and engrossed in him all the time finally crossed over ocean of Samsara (worldly life) forever to reach God in their lifetime. Lord Krishna emphasizes the fact that to reach God in present life… one had to dissolve ones ego in totality. Furthermore, with the help of intellect (buddhi) one could easily establish total control over faculty of mind power. Unless our karma negates to zero, until we consider God Almighty as the doer of all things cosmic including karma, one could never liberate self from cycle of birth and death forever.


The Explanation:

In Bhagavad Gita chapter 12 verses 6 – 7, Lord Krishna emphasizes the fact that yogis who took final refuge in me must clear self of all types of karma performed in present life. Meaning thereby that at no stage of life we were ever the doer of karma. For a true seeker of spirituality… even the doer of karma was God Almighty all the time. Abandoning act of “I”, doer ship of action was a precondition to reach God via all other forms of yoga like bhakti yoga or even jnana yoga. In simple words… even practice of bhakti yoga, jnana yoga (path of absolute wisdom) would not lead anyone anywhere until single trace of feeling of I, the doer ship exists within us.


When feeling of doer ship becomes non-existent, one could concentrate all powers of mind behind God Almighty to reach God.


One indulged in karma prompted by our soul atman, the spirit within! But presence of ego (Aham in Hinduism) made human beings feel the physical manifest self to be owner of all karma and fruits thereof. As long as single trace of ego (Aham) existed within human beings… one could never get out of clutches of karma. Living with an unattached attitude is what means by absence of doer ship. Letting go of ego (Aham) may sometimes seem easy… but it is one of the most difficult task on journey of spirituality. For a spiritual seeker seeking God with unattached attitude, god Almighty is not far away! Abandoning karma does not mean leaving the doer ship.


True worship as per Lord Krishna is exercised when human beings indulged in karma with an unattached attitude. God Almighty through Lord Krishna says… seekers of spirituality who sought final refuge in him never go empty-handed. Yoga in Hinduism stands for root word yog which simply means effort of our soul atman, the spirit within to yolk with God Almighty. Any form of yoga that is indulged with an unattached attitude directly leads to God Almighty. It is a different matter that in present scientific age, none could reach God Almighty via path of bhakti yoga or karma yoga alone. In present times, one can reach God via path of jnana yoga (path of absolute wisdom) alone. Path of jnana yoga is travelling path of truth but only truth.


Lord Krishna says… yogis who had learnt the delicate art of working with an unattached attitude finally sought refuge in me via path of jnana yoga, no matter how many sufferings one underwent in life. The goal for a serious seeker of spirituality always remained crossing over ocean of Samsara (worldly life) in the present earthly domain. A true Karma Yogi, one whose buddhi (intellect) and mind are all the time concentrated on God Almighty finally reached God in one’s lifetime. It was for God to see that such serious seekers of spirituality reached him in shortest possible time. Souls’ atmans that liberated self from cycle of birth and death forever never had to manifest a human body again. In absence of dross impurities within, the need for a soul atman to manifest another body now ceased to exist.


In laymen terms, Lord Krishna emphasizes that to reach God in present life… working with an unattached attitude all the time was necessitated. Furthermore, logically indulging in self enquiry (path of Neti… not this, not this) one finally reached God in present life. Chintan in Hinduism stood for contemplation on God Almighty. The best form of contemplation in matters spiritual was path of Neti (not this, not this) when a seeker of spirituality logically negated everything in cosmos step-by-step and finally what remained was God Almighty in all its glory. Just by going to temples, one could not contemplate on God Almighty. No matter how many hours one prayed to God Almighty every single day, god almighty could never be reached that way.


Chintan as per Hinduism scriptures (contemplation on God Almighty) was best performed by indulging in Satsanga (like-minded people who wanted to discuss and disseminate their knowledge on God Almighty). In a Satsanga spiritual seekers normally contemplated on truth but absolute truth. In spiritual parlance absolute truth stood for God Almighty. One who reached Tattva jnana… finally reached absolute truth (God Almighty) in ones lifetime.


Any form of yoga does not believe in travelling path of religion (path of rituals). Without contemplating on God Almighty, without understanding what God Almighty was all about… any form of spiritual congregation carried no meaning! The sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism contained truth but only truth, prime reason why contemplating on Bhagavad Gita alone, any human being world over could easily reach stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) in Hinduism and finally stage of salvation (moksha) forever.


In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verses 6 – 7 Lord Krishna has symbolized the present mortal world as temporal, fleeting… ephemeral! If the present manifest world is temporal… then what is permanent? What is the significance of human form in the present mortal world? As per Lord Krishna, the manifest human form is the highest manifest stage in cosmic life cycle. It is only in human form… our soul atman, the spirit within finally liberated self from cycle of birth and death forever when human beings reached stage of enlightenment and finally salvation moksha by travelling path of jnana yoga (path of absolute wisdom) as their spiritual goal of life.


Similar as various rivers finally found refuge in the great ocean only to lose their individual identity… all individual souls atmans, after liberating self from cycle of birth and death forever finally found refuge in the abode of God (kingdom of God)… termed Vaikuntha in Hinduism! Bhagavad Gita chapter 12 verses 6 – 7 repeatedly confirms that mortal human form was but a temporary sojourn for our soul atman, the spirit within to cleanse self of dross impurities within. Giving importance to manifest physical self carried no meaning in spiritual world.


Commentary by: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – April 18, 2013

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