Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 7

यस्त्विन्द्रियाणि मनसा नियम्यारभतेऽर्जुन ।
कर्मेन्द्रियैः कर्मयोगमसक्तः स विशिष्यते ॥३-७॥



Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that control over five senses could only be established through mind power. As no human being ever had an independent mind… everything was governed by our brain that worked as a receiving and transmitting station. Based on invocation of thoughts, our senses indulged in sense objects. By controlling mind, we could indirectly establish absolute control over five senses!


A serious seeker of spirituality working with an unattached attitude finally reached God in one’s lifetime! As per Lord Krishna… pretence in the field of spirituality carried no meaning! For establishing control over senses, our indulgence in nishkama karma yoga was necessitated! When we worked as a trustee, offering fruits of karma performed to God Almighty all the time… we travelled path of spirituality as detailed in Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism.


The importance of path of nishkama karma yoga and simultaneously indulging in karma with an unattached attitude has been highlighted by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita chapter 3 verse 7. Working like a true trustee of God Almighty was not easy. Only one capable of establishing control over ego (Ahamkara in Hinduism) can act like a true trustee of God Almighty. In a world dominated by material desires, controlling ego (Aham) almost seemed impossible!


Only an ardent seeker of spirituality like Swami Vivekananda finally succeeds in establishing absolute control over five senses and mind. Control over five senses comes gradually. Contemplating on God Almighty all the time, a serious seeker of spirituality gained control over senses and sense objects in stages. If we were truthful in life, establishing absolute control over five senses and mind was not difficult.


The Explanation:

As per Lord Krishna… one who travels path of nishkama karma yoga to reach God was definitely on a higher pedestal than most human beings on mother earth! The path of nishkama karma yoga can only be travelled by one who slowly succeeds in establishing absolute control over five senses and related sense objects. To gain absolute control over five senses… we need to know what a human mind was all about.


As detailed in Bhagavad Gita, no human being ever had an independent mind. The mind of entire cosmos was one. It had two departments… reservoir of mind plus and reservoir of mind minus. All positive thoughts are invoked by human beings from reservoir of mind plus and all negative thoughts from reservoir of mind minus! Every single thought invoked by us was perennial all the time floating in ether, the universal medium of communication of thoughts!


Human beings only had a brain that works like a receiving and transmitting station. Based on our intellect (buddhi in Hinduism) we invoked positive or negative thoughts at any given moment of time. Those with a sunny disposition and godly thinking all the time invoked positive thoughts from reservoir of mind plus. It is these people who finally succeed in travelling path of pure spirituality. Those who invoked negative thoughts most of time were far from spirituality.


Human form is the highest manifest stage in cosmic life cycle. We have a limited time span of 70 to 80 years of life! To accomplish the impossible, reach stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) in present life time was no joke. Something that was ordained by God Almighty to be achieved in a time span of 12.4 million earthly years, achieving the same in a limited time span of 70 to 80 years was nothing short of a miracle!


The human form was manifested by our soul atman, the spirit within after passing 7.3 million manifestations in insect, plant and animal life. In human form we have a total of 1.1 million manifestations to reach stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation moksha. Enlightenment and finally salvation moksha can only be gained via path of pure spirituality, never via path of religion (path of rituals).


We must never remain under an illusion that God could be reached by indulging in rituals! Lord Krishna exposes such ignorant of spiritual path; who outwardly project control over five senses but were inherently all the time indulging in thoughts relating to sense objects. World is full of people who desire reaching God Almighty but never make an effort in reaching God in present life. All the time indulging in religion (rituals), such people never truly gained anything in life.


Life in cosmos was not based on rhetoric. We have to learn to distinguish false from truth. Simple desires and wishes carried no meaning in spiritual world. If we were sincere in reaching God in present life… we had to establish absolute control over five senses and mind. There was no shortcut path to reaching God. Those incompetent to establish control over five senses and mind remained under a misnomer all the time.


To separate false from truth, to travel path of nishkama karma yoga… to establish absolute control over ego (Aham in Hinduism)… our indulgence in teachings contained in Bhagavad Gita was necessitated. All jnana wisdom contained in sacred scriptures of different religions of world helped remove our ignorance. Only in absence of ignorance… we could see light of day! Mounted with bloated ego and multitudinous desires human beings could never reach God.


We have to look within; we have to search for our soul atman, the spirit within by following path of nishkama karma yoga to reach God. To reduce our ego, to annihilate our ego… our travelling path of nishkama karma yoga was an absolute must! Unless we offered fruits of karma performed to God Almighty all the time, we could never succeed in annihilating our ego in totality! Surrender self to God Almighty in totality truly was not easy.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana initially started in search of God via path of bhakti yoga. But finding total surrender to God Almighty in present times almost impossible, both finally switched to path of jnana yoga (path of absolute wisdom) to reach God. To cut across shackles of karma… contemplation on God Almighty all the time was necessitated. The best way to contemplate on God Almighty was indulging in self enquiry (Neti… not this, not this).


When we realized that we were only an instrument in hands of God Almighty doing his bidding all the time… we let go our ego slowly but firmly! Control over five senses can only be established by working with an unattached attitude all the time. When all our efforts, all our karma were directed towards God Almighty… who could stop us from reaching God in present life! Truthfulness was that important ingredient of spiritual path which was necessitated all the time!


Most human beings world over underestimated power of absolute truthfulness! When six years of age I decided to travel path of absolute truthfulness, no matter what! Not for once was I prepared to accept false in place of truth. By 13 years of age I firmly decided to go in search of God. My desire to see and meet God in this very life was not as simple desire… a simple wish! Even if I had to leave my parents, my brothers and sisters… my entire family, I was prepared for the same! I had a limited time at my disposal… I had to reach God within this life!


25 years of yoga meditation… following path of nishkama karma yoga I finally landed in laps of God Almighty in the wee hours of third of August 1993 at 37 years of age. This is my last manifestation on mother earth… 8.4 millionth manifestation, last in cosmic life cycle! Nowhere else to go further, nothing to achieve any further… I shall but attain salvation moksha, moment I leave my mortal frame! I could only say establishing control over five senses and mind truly was difficult, almost impossible!


Commentary by: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – May 20, 2013

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